AZ GOP is sending their WORST
By TJ Hernandez
AZ GOP sending their worst. Last week, Randy Kauffman, a Republican candidate for a local community college board, was arrested for masturbating within view of a preschool. Arizona Republicans have, of course, refused to condemn him. In fact, the Arizona Republican party highlighted Kauffman on their “Golden Ticket” ballot guide, along with Tom Horne, candidate for state superintendent, who defended an accused pedophile that was working on his campaign. These are the candidates the AZ GOP wants you to elect.
Kari Lake’s racist campaign. The “most important person” on Kari Lake’s campaign tweeted out a vile, racist image comparing Native Americans to savages. Kari Lake has yet to condemn the statement by her campaign manager. But as someone who has called immigrants “rapists”, endorsed a vocal antisemite for Congress, and associates with QAnon extremists, one thing is clear. This kind of racism is welcomed on Kari Lake’s campaign, because Kari Lake herself is racist – that’s the kind of hateful environment she wants to cultivate in Arizona.
ICYMI: Rachel Mitchell is lying to voters. The Republican candidate and current Maricopa County Attorney, Rachel Mitchell is trying to mislead Arizonans on her stance on abortion, contradicting her own statements and refusing to give clear and direct answers. As one of the top prosecutors in the state, the county attorney is responsible for handling criminal charges. In Arizona, where we currently have multiple bans that criminalize abortion providers, the outcome of this race is critical. Arizona Republicans have made it their goal to completely outlaw abortion in Arizona – if Rachel Mitchell keeps her position as Maricopa County Attorney, Arizonans can be sure that she will prosecute abortion.
The MAGA slate based their campaigns on these lies. Kari Lake, Blake Masters, Mark Finchem, and Abe Hamadeh have all made the Big Lie a central part of their campaigns. If they win in November, it’s clear that they will continue the MAGA effort to sabotage our elections, and try to put Trump back in office in 2024, regardless of what voters want. We can’t let Kari Lake, Blake Masters, Mark Finchem, and Abe Hamdeh dictate our election outcomes – Arizonans must reject their fascist ideas.
Rent is too high. Check out Fuerte Arizona’s newest campaign, “Rent is Too High”!
What’s on your ballot? Check out this quick video for a quick overview on the most critical issues you’ll see on your ballot!
Vote!!! Early ballots are dropping in mailboxes! It’s time for Arizonans to come together to defeat the MAGA slate’s fascist goals and protect our rights. If you’re not on the Active Early Voting List, you can request a ballot here.
Use our 2022 Progressive Voters Guide! The 2022 Progressive Voters Guide was created to help educate voters on how the measures they’ll see on their ballots this year will affect our rights, so they can vote accordingly. Politicians are counting on you to be uninformed so they can overturn laws already passed by the people and attack our freedom to make decisions for ourselves. Make sure to share with friends and family, and on social media!