BLOG / March 15, 2020

Just. Stay. Home.

By admin

Flatten the Curve. An animated explanation of the importance of just staying home. 

Wait, So Why Were We Shutting Off People’s Water In the First Place? As governments scramble to respond to the pandemic and an associated economic crisis, they’re taking much needed steps to ensure paid sick and family leave, halt some evictions and utility shut-offs, and more. Some are even calling for universal basic income. Even though many of the measures come with caveats, it’s still a astonishing reminder that even the most “radical” demands have always been both possible and desperately needed, virus or no virus. 

Watch the Debate! Tonight’s presidential debate was moved from Phoenix to Washington, DC, but it’s still on, starting at 5 pm Arizona time. 

Get Counted! Vianey and her sisters remind us about the importance of filling out the 2020 Census. (Best of all, you can do it from home!)

Just. Stay. Home. Social distancing is the single best way to slow down the spread of the pandemic and relieve the pressure on our healthcare system. Work from home if you can (the fact that many can’t is all the more reason to do it if you’re able.) Skip the movies, the concert, and the gym. Don’t eat out. Just stay home! 

Vote! The presidential primary is on Tuesday. Wondering about voting in the age of coronavirus? Check out this advice! 

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