BLOG / June 24, 2019

Last Week This Morning: APS Let Her Die Over $51

By admin

The latest on Arizona progressive news, stay in the loop on local and national updates. Progressives are fighting to make Arizona better for all, learn how you can join!

She Died Over $51. On a 107 degree day, APS cut the power to Stephanie Pullman’s home. It killed her.

Stagnant Wages. You need to work over 70 hours a week to afford a two-bedroom house in Arizona.

Be Counted. The census is coming, but will everyone be counted?

Apology Rejected. Family threatened by Phoenix Police says the police report lies.

Not Normal. Trump: It’s fine for detained children to sleep on cold concrete.

Mad Boys. Trevor Noah blasts the Phoenix Police on The Daily Show.

Stop Killing Us. In the wake of the Phoenix Police’s violent confrontation with the Ames Family, the community has demanded action.

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