BLOG / April 19, 2020

Last Week This Morning: Astroturfing on a National Scale

By admin

Astroturfing on a national stage. The protests over stay at home orders have been tiny (a few dozen people!). They’re backed by far-right militias and by a conservative group linked to the DeVos family

Headed for Arizona. The same is likely true of the protest planned for Arizona on Monday.

When debt is a good thing. The federal government has added trillions to the national debt over the last few weeks, and they’ll need to keep adding trillions for Americans to get through this crisis. That’s nothing be afraid of.

Calls from inside cages. Listen to a call from inside the La Palma immigration detention center, as a man from Cuba speaks of his desperation to be let out before coronavirus sweeps through the facility. 

Speak up to save lives. Tell Ducey, ICE and the Arizona Department of Corrections to let people out of jails, prisons and detention centers and take immediate steps to ensure prisoners’ safety.  

Protect our elections. Tell Governor Ducey and state legislators to support vote by mail elections (with in person options!) in light of the pandemic. 

Take the Arizona Rising Healthcare Challenge. Commit to collect 5 petition signatures (while socially distanced, of course!) to support an initiative to strengthen infection control in hospitals, stop surprise billing and increase hospital worker pay.  

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