BLOG / November 5, 2018

Last Week This Morning: Blue Wave Rising

By admin

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Tweet of the Week
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This is Mi AZ. Latino voters are key to Democratic wins in Arizona and groups like MiAZ are making it happen.

Could that possibly be… All week early vote returns seemed to indicate a possible blue wave in the desert.

A blue wave? The co-director of Progress Now Arizona said the swell of Democrats voting comes afteryears of activist work to register and turnout more young voters and voters of color.

Hypocrisy head-scratcher. The guy running for Secretary of State doesn’t believe ballots and voting info should be in Spanish, but he’s running ads courting Latino voters…in Spanish

 Watch This

Voices from the field. Hear from an amazing organizer knocking doors for MiAZ and Our Voice our Vote.

Be A Voter. From poverty to the State Legislature

Ratify it. Only one more state is needed to ratify the #ERAWhy not Arizona?

Do This

Just Vote! Find your polling place here.

I already voted-Now What? Knock doors, phone bank, or tell your friends and family to make sure they vote!


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