BLOG / May 29, 2019

Last Week This Morning: Praying for Sine Die

By admin

The latest on Arizona progressive news, stay in the loop on local and national updates. Progressives are fighting to make Arizona better for all, learn how you can join!

Wherefore Art Thou, Budget?  The Arizona Legislature drags on as Republicans in-fight and refuse to include Democrats’ priorities.

But This Is A Priority? Rather than fund dental care for pregnant women or fully fund our schools, Republicans want to give $7.5 million to an unlicensed crisis pregnancy center.

That’s Not A Thing. The AG wants $500,000 to investigate non-existent voter fraud. 

A New Day. Phoenix City Council has 2 more progressive champions. 

Is this Thing On? Republican Legislators caught on a hot mic talking about retaliating against fellow lawmakers. 

Different Day, Same McSally. Although she’s trying to show she’s pro-healthcare, McSally just voted for anti-healthcare judges.

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