BLOG / August 1, 2022

Progress Score

By TJ Hernandez


Progress Score. Last week, we launched our 2022 Progress Score. We’ve designed it for constituents across Arizona to use as a tool to see if their legislators stood up against special interests and corporations. Scores reflect their committee and floor votes on 100 priority bills. The bills range from issues such as reproductive freedom, voting rights & democracy, education, taxes & finance, LGBTQ+ rights, mass incarceration, labor, environmental issues and more. Check your legislators’ score now!

Reconciliation deal announced. On Wednesday, Sens. Chuck Schumer and Joe Manchin announced they are moving forward with a budget agreement, the Inflation Reduction Act, that includes provisions to address costs of healthcare, the climate crisis, and corporate tax rates. Last year, negotiations for a more significant package failed due to opposition by Manchin and Sen. Sinema, who valued their corporate funders over the comprehensive legislation that voters needed. Comparatively, this package is even more scaled back – it’s the bare minimum to address the crises we face – yet Sen. Sinema has yet to comment on whether or not she will support it. Schumer and Manchin hope to pass the legislation in the Senate before the August recess, and will need all 50 Democrats on board in the face of Republican opposition.

Nothing to say on legislation, but plenty on fashion. When a reporter asked Sen. Sinema for a comment on the IRA, Sinema declined to comment, though she did compliment the reporter on her blazer. ore hearings in September to give time for consideration of new evidence.


Vote! The 2022 primary election is Tuesday, August 2nd. 

Share the Progress Scorecard. Once you’ve checked your legislators’ scores, share the Scorecard tool on social media! During this crucial time in our state, it’s important to know if lawmakers prioritized the livelihoods of their constituents and fought to protect the rights of every Arizonan.


A joint website of Progress Arizona and ProgressNow AZ - Federal. Progress Arizona and ProgressNow AZ - Federal are separate organizations.

Progress Arizona

Progress Arizona is a 501(c)(4) organization which primarily focuses on nonpartisan education and advocacy on important national issues.

ProgressNow AZ - Federal

ProgressNow AZ - Federal is a federal political committee which primarily helps elect candidates who reflect our values through a variety of activities aimed at influencing the outcome of the next election.

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