BLOG / October 18, 2021

Last Week This Morning: Sinema in Paris

By TJ Hernandez


Sinema’s in Paris. Yeah, seriously. Sen. Sinema flew to Europe this week to hold a fundraiser with donors. Negotiations over the budget reconciliation package continue to be held up as Sinema refuses to support the price tag or communicate with constituents and reporters about what she wants in the bill. Fundraising reports show that Sinema is being rewarded for her obstruction by her ultra-wealthy donors, while activists continue to struggle to get a meeting with her. No wonder new polling out of Arizona shows that Sinema would lose to all four potential primary candidates…

Striketober. Workers are standing up to employers in the face of low pay, little benefits, and unfair working conditions. Strikes across industries are occurring following a pandemic (that is still not over) that corporations and billionaires profited off of, while workers continue to be exploited. Unions representing over 100,000 members are currently on strike and labor leaders are continuing to fightfor inclusion of PRO Act provisions in the reconciliation package. 

AZ redistricting. How it works, why it’s important, and how it will affect you.

Turn the pressure up. We need President Biden and leaders in the Senate and House to exert their influence and pass the Build Back Better plan. 

Trysten Cinema. Kyrsten Sinema’s “sister” takes questions that Sen. Sinema has refused to answer.

Sinema, do literally anything. Get your sticker pack today with a donation of over $5 to support our work to hold Senator Sinema accountable.


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