BLOG / May 20, 2019

Last Week This Morning: #StopTheBans

By admin

The latest on Arizona progressive news, stay in the loop on local and national updates. Progressives are fighting to make Arizona better for all, learn how you can join!

I Kinda Sorta Don’t Support Abortion Senator McSally is trying to walk a fine line on her response to Alabama’s abortion ban. 

Arizona The Next Alabama? Arizona Republicans have passed plenty of bills going after abortion already.

Don’t Feel Discouraged. There are ways you can fight back against these attacks on women.

Lemonade>School Safety. While Republicans are making lemonade our state drink, School Superintendent Kathy Hoffman is working to make our schools safe.

It’s Not All Bad. On Friday, the U.S. House passed a bill outlawing LGBTQ discrimination, even though the GOP will likely block it.

The Fight Goes On. Hear how women in Georgia are battling the new restrictive abortion laws.

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