Last Week This Morning: Violence & Lies from the Phoenix PD
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Another Shocking Incident, Another Set of Lies. Last week, Phoenix police officers pulled their guns on two parents, screamed at them, threatened to shoot them and hit them, all because their toddler allegedly stole a doll. Now, the newly released police report about the incident is full of lies and omissions.
Water Isn’t A Crime. This Arizona teacher gave migrants water. They tried to give him jail time.
“I Wasn’t Supposed To Be Here.” Phoenix’s new city council members are unapologetic.
A Slipshod Office Operation. “I hate David and I hate this job.”

Their Four Year Old Daughter Stole A Doll. Phoenix police almost murdered them for it. You can see everything that happened in these videos captured by community members.

Tell the Phoenix City Council: Stop Complying with Phoenix PD’s violence. Come out to the City Council meeting on Wednesday, June 19 at 1:30 pm.
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