BLOG / August 4, 2021

Last Week This Morning: Will Sinema Tank the Entire Agenda?

By TJ Hernandez


Moral Monday. The Rev. Jesse Jackson was arrested alongside over thirty Arizona community leaders outside of Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s office on Monday. The arrests happened after activists refused to leave Sinema’s office until she heard constituent concerns about the filibuster rule, following a rally and march attended by hundreds. Speakers at the rally called on Senator Sinema to end the filibuster, pass voting rights legislation, and enact a $15 minimum wage.

Reconciliation. On Wednesday Sen. Sinema signaled she does not support Democrats’ $3.5T infrastructure package, which they had planned to pass through the reconciliation process—one of the only priorities Democrats could actually pass without eliminating the Senate filibuster rule. Sinema says she objects to the price tag, preferring a deal that does not raise taxes on the wealthy. The infrastructure package is an important component of Biden’s agenda, and includes climate crisis initiatives, Medicare expansion, and would make the childhood tax credit permanent. Arizonans continue to express outrage at Sinema’s refusal to support a package that is overwhelmingly popular with voters, especially considering the package is merely a starting point for the transformative change we need in our healthcare system and for climate solutions.

Ducey attacks Roe. Gov. Doug Ducey joined 11 other Republican governors and over 200 lawmakers in filing a brief to ask the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade. Polling conducted last year shows that a majority of Arizonans—76%—support safe and legal abortion. Ducey’s clear priority of taking away essential healthcare is even more shameful considering he continues to fail Arizonans amid a pandemic, as cases rise and his office refuses to act.

Rally recap. Check out a couple scenes from the Moral Monday protest at Sen. Sinema’s office.

Redistricting commission. Join the League of Women Voters of Arizona and One Arizona for a public testimony training session in preparation for the statewide Independent Redistricting Commission’s public hearings. You’ll learn how to tell your story, tell the Commission about your community, and the impacts of changing your district. 


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