PRESS RELEASES / January 6, 2021

Arizona Voting Rights Groups: State Legislature Should Expel Lawmakers Who Advocated Overturning the 2020 Election

Contact: Emily Kirkland,, 646 623 5271

PHOENIX – Earlier today, an armed mob of domestic terrorists overran the US Capitol, attempting an insurrection against the elected government of the United States and demanding that Trump be illegally installed for a second term as President. For weeks, Republican Arizona state legislators and legislators-elect have been stoking the flames of this coup attempt, undermining public faith in the 2020 election, and insisting that Trump remain as President — despite the American people fairly and overwhelmingly voting him out. Several state legislators continue to offer public support for the insurrection even after today’s violent assault on Capitol Hill. 

In response, a coalition of Arizona pro-democracy organizations have released the following statement: 

“Arizona state legislators are only a few days away from swearing their oath of office. That oath is utterly incompatible with support for domestic terrorism or support for overturning a free and fair election. We are calling for legislators who have publicly supported efforts to overturn the 2020 election to be removed from the Arizona State Legislature before any other legislative business can be conducted. That includes, among others, Kelly Townsend (R-LD 16), Mark Finchem (R-LD 11), Wendy Rogers (R-LD 6), Sonny Borrelli (R-LD 5), David Cook (R-LD 8), Walt Blackman (R-LD 6), and David Livingston (R-LD 22). 

People who preach and practice sedition, in direct violation of the principles of our democracy, cannot be trusted to faithfully defend the constitution of our state or of the United States, much less the people of Arizona. Their continued presence as members of Arizona’s legislative body is an affront to the democracy they are sworn to uphold. 

If the legislature as a whole does not vote to expel those who supported today’s coup attempt, the Senate President and House Speaker should immediately bar them from any leadership role in the state legislature, including committee chairmanships.”  

Spokespeople are available for interviews in English and Spanish. Contact Emily Kirkland,, 646 623 5271, for more information.


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