PRESS RELEASES / October 19, 2018

Arizonans demand accountability from Ducey ahead of Trump’s Arizona Ral

PHOENIX – Ahead of President Donald J. Trump’s campaign rally in Mesa on Friday, October 19th, Josselyn Berry, Co-Director at ProgressNow Arizona released the following statement:

“President Trump’s rally to be held in Mesa is part of a politically driven, anti-immigrant agenda that is both mean-spirited and costly. The Trump administration has ordered hundreds of families arriving at the Arizona/Mexico border, seeking asylum to be released from the detention centers they have been held in for months. Trump is using these families as political collateral. In the hopes to rally the GOP troops by creating a sense of chaos insinuating migrants are invading Arizona,”

“It is no secret the Trump administration is driving an anti-immigrant agenda by pushing for an immigration bill that would limit family reunification and dramatically cut legal immigration.  Instead of catching criminals, some Republicans, such as Governor Doug Ducey, are interested in punishing immigrant families that are making valuable contributions to Arizona’s economy. A recent study released by the New American Economy shows immigrants contributed $3.1 billion to our state’s economy and paid nearly $390 million in local, state and federal taxes in Arizona alone. Instead of Governor Ducey, speaking out against the fear-tactics that President Trump plans to create in his visit to Arizona, Ducey will welcome Trump with open arms. This is yet another example of Governor Ducey putting the interests of his party first,” said Berry.

For highlights of Gov. Ducey’s commitment to advancing President Trump’s agenda click here.


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Progress Arizona is a 501(c)(4) organization which primarily focuses on nonpartisan education and advocacy on important national issues.

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