PRESS RELEASES / January 10, 2021

Arizonans React to Gov. Ducey’s Speech & The State of Crisis in Arizona

For Immediate Release Contact: Emily Kirkland,, 646 623 5271


PHOENIX – Arizona is currently experiencing a state of crisis unprecedented in our state’s history: a deadly pandemic, economic catastrophe, and a complete breakdown of democratic norms. 

In response to the current situation, and to the utterly inadequate response contained in Governor Ducey’s annual state of the state address, a coalition of community organizations released the following statement, along with a set of short videos featuring comments from Arizonans affected by the current state of crisis. 


Videos can be downloaded at the links provided and used or distributed on any platform with appropriate attribution. 


“Right now, we are witnessing an utter abdication of leadership from Governor Doug Ducey and the majority party in our state legislature. 

Arizonans are sick and dying – the state has the worst per capita COVID-19 rate in the world. 

Arizonans are out of work – 192,000 are on the unemployment rolls.

Arizonans are going hungry – nearly 1 in 3 households has experienced food insecurity this last year. 

Arizonans are terrified for our democracy – watching elected officials engage in open treason. 

Arizonans already at higher risk of poverty, homelessness and deadly violence — including transgender and LGBTQ Arizonans and undocumented people — are facing a desperate situation, made worst by Ducey’s inaction. 

Our elected leaders need to act. We need the state legislature and Governor Ducey to take bold and immediate steps to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, provide economic relief, and hold accountable lawmakers who refuse to recognize basic democratic norms. In particular, we are calling on our state government to: 

  • Take immediate steps to contain the COVID-19 pandemic 
    • Close bars and restrict restaurants to take-out only 
    • Impose a statewide mask mandate and limits on public gatherings 
    • Release those in detention centers, especially pre-trial, and provide adequate healthcare to detainees
    • Ensure access to healthcare facilities and medical providers for all Arizonans
  • Provide economic relief and make appropriate use of federal CARES Funding 
    • Pass 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave
    • Extend the eviction moratorium, provide enforcement mechanisms for preventing evictions, and forgive all past due rent including enforcement mechanisms 
    • Expand rental assistance and add $35 million to the Housing Trust Fund 
    • Address the need for rent and utility debt forgiveness for families and small business owners 
    • Offer direct assistance to ordinary Arizonans and to struggling small businesses
    • Increase weekly unemployment benefits to $500 /week and improve the process for accessing and retaining benefits
  • Address open treason from state lawmakers and elected officials 
    • Expel state legislators who have advocated for overturning the 2020 election or who supported the armed insurrection at the US Capitol”

A joint website of Progress Arizona and ProgressNow AZ - Federal. Progress Arizona and ProgressNow AZ - Federal are separate organizations.

Progress Arizona

Progress Arizona is a 501(c)(4) organization which primarily focuses on nonpartisan education and advocacy on important national issues.

ProgressNow AZ - Federal

ProgressNow AZ - Federal is a federal political committee which primarily helps elect candidates who reflect our values through a variety of activities aimed at influencing the outcome of the next election.

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and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.