BLOG / May 17, 2020

Last Week This Morning: An unprecedented failure of leadership

By Emily Kirkland

Re-opening, without a plan. Trump’s handling of the pandemic is the most profound and complete failure of presidential leadership in modern history, and it’s left the rest of the country is an impossible bind. 

Doctors without Borders comes to the Southwest. They just started an aid effort on the Navajo Nation — their first ever in the United States. 

APS might be getting nervous. 3 of the 5 seats on the Arizona Corporation Commission, which regulates electric utilities and clean energy, are up for election this year. 2 of the worst candidates were just kicked off the ballot, giving Democrats a solid chance of winning a majority. 

“This is our city and we will fight for our future.” Check out Poder in Action’s video on the upcoming Phoenix city budget fight. 

We can’t go on like this — demand action from the Senate. The House of Representatives just passed the HEROES Act, which extends unemployment payments and authorizes an additional $1,200 stimulus check, among other things. People need support now, and this bill gets us part of the way there — tell Senators Sinema and McSally to support it in the Senate. 

Hack the Council. Poder in Action is pushing to make sure that the City of Phoenix’s new budget meets the community’s needs, including the undocumented community, and that funding isn’t stripped from the new civilian oversight committee. Join Monday’s car protest, or make a comment by phone or online during Tuesday’s hearing

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