BLOG / July 13, 2020

Last Week This Morning: Arizona in crisis

By Emily Kirkland

 Number one. Arizona’s coronavirus outbreak is, by some measures, the single worst in the world. 

How we got here. Governor Ducey opened the state too soon and failed to implement much-needed health measures. The results have been disastrous. 

His death is due to the carelessness of the politicians.” When her father died of COVID-19, Kristin Urquiza wrote an obituary telling the truth about who was to blame.

The looming eviction crisis. Hundreds of thousands of families could soon find themselves with nowhere to go.

Demanding answers. Last week, Phoenix officers shot into a parked car, killing a man named James Garcia. 

“Arizona is in a complete crisis right now.” How Ducey’s decision to open early created the conditions for catastrophe

Tell our US Senators to pass the HEROES Act. The $600 additional unemployment payments are keeping many Americans afloat at a time when COVID-19 has paralyzed much of the economy. But they’ll expire at the end of July unless Congress acts. Tell Senators Sinema and McSally to support the HEROES Act, including the extension of the $600 weekly benefit, in the Senate.

Chip in to help others. Give to the undocumented workers relief fund, which has already helped hundreds of families who were excluded from the stimulus checks and other forms of assistance. 

Stay home when you can, wash your hands, wear your mask. At this point, it’s up to us to keep each other safe.

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